
It’s the first time for me to take a course on-line and hire someone on-line, but the Marketing Automation work has really been great! Everything was explained thoroughly, and it was fun to try out how everything you normally don’t have time for…

Before I decided to try out Cnvert for my Marketing Automation and mailings, I thought it was a rather big step. I wasn’t sure that it would be any better than Mailchimp that I used before. Despite the fact I first didn’t think it looked as good, I soon realized that the results of 3-4 times higher response was worth much more and that the focus needed to be on the message rather than the looks. The looks we could always fix later.

We started using Otto setup by Cnvert in 2011 and since it worked out well, we’ve now used it for some years. However, we wanted to know HOW well, so before one Christmas, we tried four different suppliers of e-mail systems and it turned out Otto was outperforming all and even achieved 2,9 times higher deliverability than the number 2!

We tried other systems, but didn’t want to make send-outs with impersonal senders and links that doesn’t go to our site. We were also curious about doing more with Marketing Automation since we had already tried the idea with our own IP-telephony school that originally gave 20x conversion of signups and 3x conversion of customers, so we’ve continuously upgraded our Otto-system to do more and more.

We have earlier also had another system for seeing what organizations our web-visitors come from based on their IP-addresses, but since the Otto setup from Cnvert can now show us this, too, as well as WHO is behind the IP-address if the user is returning via one of our send-outs, we suddenly could not just remove one extra cost, but we also knew so much better which potential customers had the highest potential by just checking their lead-score.

We get business clients as a direct result of the number of visitors to our web-page, and we very much needed to get more such visitors. I’ve so far only used Otto for three send-outs, but I’ve beaten our previous record of number of visitors every time, so Otto looks like he’s going to become a new close friend 🙂

I know he has a lot more advanced features, too, so I can’t wait to try them!

I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to write newsletters myself, since I’m absolutely no web-guru, so I’m relieved it’s so much easier than I thought to get the help when I needed it the most.

I wanted to make an e-mail school as a drip campaign for getting more personal networking members, and when implemented in Otto, it immediately spread very well with almost 600 signed up in less than two weeks.

We probably could have chosen any Marketing Automation or E-mail marketing solution, but are happy we chose Otto when we see the difference it makes in keeping relationships alive: Now we get so many more replies from our customers and a big part of the reason is they just assume we send out everything personally one-by-one. Of course, we want to make it personal, but we wouldn’t have the time to do it otherwise.

On top of that, I really like the rapid phone and mail support!