Tag Archive: Integra

How to increase inclusion of refugees

July 5, 2017 11:10 am Published by Leave your thoughts All over the world, there were 65,6 Million people forcibly displaced and over 22,5 Million Refugees. For anyone arriving into a new society there are both individual, humanitarian and societal gains to make newly arrived feel more included, so the inclusion of refugees is very important. Here is a video (transcript below) in which Henrik Rudberg of Sonician is interviewed by representatives from the city of Gothenburg about the Integra-system that Sonician built on top of Otto for the city. Gothenburg itself is a city in which more than 25% are not born there, and 1 in 10 has arrived...

Integrationscentrum Göteborg Stad – Intervju med Henrik Rudberg från Sonician om Integration av nyanlända

December 16, 2016 8:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts https://youtu.be/jDNtPLEKAuM?rel=0&modestbranding=1 Integrationscentrums Cajsa Malmström från Göteborgs Stad intervjuar Henrik Rudberg, VD på Sonician, angående Flyktingguide/Språkvän verktyget Integra för Integration av nyanlända i samband med Nationella Konferensen om Integration 2 december, 2016. (Foto/Redigering: Håkan Svensson/Peter Jonsvik, och för mer innehåll från Integrationscentrum Göteborgs Stad, se Integrationscentrums youtube-kanal)...