Categories for Sonician

Integrationscentrum Göteborg Stad – Intervju med Henrik Rudberg från Sonician om Integration av nyanlända

December 16, 2016 8:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts Integrationscentrums Cajsa Malmström från Göteborgs Stad intervjuar Henrik Rudberg, VD på Sonician, angående Flyktingguide/Språkvän verktyget Integra för Integration av nyanlända i samband med Nationella Konferensen om Integration 2 december, 2016. (Foto/Redigering: Håkan Svensson/Peter Jonsvik, och för mer innehåll från Integrationscentrum Göteborgs Stad, se Integrationscentrums youtube-kanal)...

Sales & Leadership Days in Stockholm

October 4, 2016 11:43 am Published by Leave your thoughts Hi Guys Sonician is coming to Stockholm this Thursday and Friday to partner with Brian Tracy for his Sales & Leadership mastery Days. We proudly sponsored the event in 2015 and we are excited to be involved in the event once again for 2016. Brian Tracy is the world's number 1 Sales Coach and over two days he is going to take the delegates through the strategies and techniques used by the world's top sales professional. Sonician is privileged to be sponsoring the event alongside some of the world's leading brands and glad to help bring such a distinguished figure to Sweden. Make sure if...

Case Study on using Marketing Automation by Kompetensinstitutet

August 25, 2016 10:09 am Published by Leave your thoughts A Case Study on using Marketing Automation System Otto. Transcript I am Niko Fastman, I am CEO & Founder of Kompetensinstitutet (the Competence Institute). We organise conferences & events in all Nordic countries. We organise big events, such as Leadership Day & Sales Mastery Day with Brian Tracy which we run annually both in Stockholm and also sometimes in Helsinki. We also run a big event called Stora Ledarskapsdagen, which is the biggest leadership event in Sweden.  How do you get people to come to your events? What we mostly do is we send newsletters to our previous delegates with updates on new speakers....

Adocto: before and after using Otto

August 5, 2016 10:33 am Published by Leave your thoughts How Adocto Företagshälsovård - Occupational Healthcare Sales Process was before and after using Otto and introducing seminar-invitations Transcript I'm Magnus Tidbeck from Adocto Företagshälsovård, which is occupational healthcare. We are selling preventative healthcare to companies and our target group is pretty much every company that needs to lower their sick leave status.   How did you use to find your clients?   The traditional way of finding new clients in any sort of business previously has been to basically book them into a meeting and visit them and that has become increasingly harder over time. We’ve paid telephone booking companies several thousand kronor (SEK) per meeting...

Bonnier’s Sales Process & Experience with Otto

July 8, 2016 10:10 am Published by 2 Comments How Bonnier Publishing House Sales Process includes E-mail marketing with Otto Transript: Yeah, My name is Karl and I am working for a company called Mediafy, it's in the Bonnier Corporation and one of our biggest projects is Tidningskungen in Sweden. We used this to distribute and sell magazines online is our largest distribution channel. Question 1 How Do You Work With Sales & Marketing? What is your sales process We try to have a lot of staff, customer service & sales channels to call out to the customer or visitor in their office or conference to inform them of our services. Such as gift...

Can B2C Organsations Use Marketing Automation?

May 13, 2016 8:58 am Published by Leave your thoughts Marketing automation has exploded onto the global marketing scene, it has been adopted by many organisations.  In particular, marketing automation has given B2B suppliers an extra push in being able to generate and nurture leads.  But can marketing automation have the same success and effectiveness within a B2C organisation? The short answer is yes, if adopted correctly.  Consumer buying behaviour tends to vary when compared to organisational buying behaviour.  While organisations like receiving new information and are happy to receive a phone call during work hours.  Consumers tend to be more sceptical when receiving information about purchases via email or when...

The ship-yard is dead, long live the ship-yard

May 6, 2016 3:22 pm Published by Leave your thoughts Sitting at the office a Friday afternoon, I get a bit nostalgic, and despite the actions giving me a fantastic view on the outside, it still feels sad it means a whole Industry is gone from Gothenburg. Until about two years ago, the common view from our office windows was this: Then, the last ship had been fixed in the floating docks: ...

Business Case Study on Internationalisation

May 4, 2016 11:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts So you've decided to go international with your business. I think it's rather common to see the general business case study on internationalisation take the following steps: Picking your first country Renting office-space, Hiring your first sales representatives, possibly local PR and marketing, Wait for the sales reps to close new deals. Money coming in to the bank. I do think there's a big flaw here though, and it's that money is only S.L.O.W.L.Y coming in while money is flooding out at too high a pace. After having now helped a couple of businesses take the plunge, here's a case study for a...

“The User Interface of Otto isn’t as Good looking as ….” Using Feedback Positively!

March 30, 2016 10:47 am Published by 1 Comment Towards the end of 2014 our CEO Henrik Rudberg travelled to Stockholm for a Brian Tracy Conference.  During his time there he met with Niko Fastman, the man behind  He agreed to trial Otto instead of using his normal Email Marketing system, MailChimp. This is what he had to say after that time: Before I decided to try Otto for my Marketing Automation and mailings, I thought it was a rather big step. I wasn't sure that it would be any better than Mailchimp that I used before. Despite the fact I may not think the current user interface of Otto...

Rent an International Marketer

December 16, 2013 10:10 am Published by Leave your thoughts Did you manage to execute all the marketing activities this year? If not, we have a sound investment proposition for 2014: Why not apply the 80/20-rule to maximize your marketing activities? Utilize an experienced marketer who can produce 80% output with only 20% input   You can now rent a B2B marketing professional equipped with one of the leading marketing automation systems on the market: Otto®, and who is an expert in lead generation, marketing automation, web and social media marketing i.e. Google Adwords/Twitter/Linkedin/Facebook etc. The sole purpose will be to generate qualified leads and find new prospects! The cost may surprise you: