Categories for Conversion Rate Optimization

Case Study: Improving Bounce Rate while keeping a High Conversion Rate

February 2, 2017 10:28 am Published by Leave your thoughts     Quick Question Put your hand up if you have redesigned your home page around your form or call-to-action? Ok, quickly put your hand back down so everyone in your office doesn't think that you've lost your mind. But seriously, I have chatted with many small and medium sized businesses and they all express the same frustrations that online conversion is that one thing that continuously makes their lives difficult. The difficulties of ensuring your form is in the right position, the copywriting is up to scratch, the form isn't too long, the colour of the button is optimised "for clicking", etc...

How to always win with your Adwords & PPC Campaign

January 19, 2017 1:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts This Post will explain how to improve your PPC campaigns. I love it when I take a risk, experiment a little bit, and it pays off. Something you took a risk on actually works. That feeling of actually experimenting and then coming away with what you can honestly tell yourself is a success. Not the type of success, where you are satisfied, but the real feeling of success. Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Top line managers and CEO's all have something in common; they know how it feels when an experiment turns into a success. It's that feeling that keeps us eager to experiment. Now what does this...

Customer Acquisition Cost: The Only Health Check Up Your Business Needs

January 3, 2017 9:10 am Published by Leave your thoughts     Last week I had a doctor's appointment, nothing serious but I thought it was time for me to go in for a general check-up. Get my body's key performance indicators (KPI's) if you will. The Dr. took my height/weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and a blood sugar test. I passed and was given the stamp of health. Now as I was leaving I began thinking about what a standardized health check up would look like for SME's (small & medium sized enterprises). This then lead me to begin thinking about the health check we do ourselves with the 2-Min test we had developed on our...

B2B Inbound Marketing Conversion Rates

November 10, 2016 4:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts   Sales or Marketing? Marketing or Sales? Who's to blame? If you've ever managed a team, or started your own business, this is a difficult question to answer. Both departments can point fingers like guilty children that have just broken something. Sales Departments will tell you: "Marketing hasn't been providing us with leads that are ready to be sold to. Their content isn't good enough. Check out what this company is doing; it is a lot better". Marketing Departments will reply with: "Our content is the best, our strategies are the best, but the sales team sucks at following-up. Look at their conversion rates to close. They...

Lead Nurturing & the ‘Forgetting Curve’

September 22, 2016 8:53 am Published by Leave your thoughts   1885. 1885 was the year that set the ground work for lead nurturing as we know it today. I know you're thinking what could have possibly occurred in 1885 that could relate to how I sell my products/services now in such an advanced & online 2016? This guy, Hermann Ebbinghaus happened, that's what. Dr. Ebbinghuas was a German psychologist who was famous for studying memory and in particular coming up with the 'forgetting curve'. The forgetting curve was developed as a way of studying how quickly a person can learn. Ebbinghaus was able to determine that the speed a person may forget information...

Why you need to become a conversion rate optimization wizard

August 17, 2016 3:50 pm Published by Leave your thoughts   I know you're thinking what does wizardry and conversion rate optimization have in common? If you've ever developed a landing page that has exceeded your conversion rate predictions, then you know it feels like you've just performed magic. What is it & why should you care? Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO is a method of using data and analytics to assess the performance of your web pages of turning visitors into customers. It is used to help determine how well your website is performing, usually it determines this through the number of subscribers, downloads or new customers your website develops (hence conversion...