5 Reasons why you need Marketing Automation now

June 2, 2016 1:34 pm Published by 1 Comment


It’s had some time to settle in.

It’s grown into a phenomenon.

They say it works for B2B.

They say it works for B2C.

But, why do you need Marketing Automation?

Trying to hold out for as long as possible won’t work with this new phenomenon. The world is transitioning towards automation, not just within the marketing world but in every facet. Grocery stores are moving towards self-serve checkouts,financial analysis is becoming more reliant upon computers, and robots have begun infiltrating medical procedures.

So having automated online marketing isn’t that big of a deal once its put that way. Using automation to send emails & messages has become the norm for large organisations and is quickly making its way to small and medium sized organisations.

So, why do you need marketing automation? Below are 5 reasons which I have outlined as key reasons to why you need marketing automation on your side.

1. Website, CRM, Email Synchronisation

Being able to unite these three platforms is pivotal for a successful Marketing Automation system. While CRM & Email have been synchronised for some time adding the website tracking into the mix significantly boosts the power of the sales team. The ability to see which of your potential leads is actually visiting which pafe & how frequently boosts their artillery when actually going for the close.

2. Lead Generation

Being able to find leads for your sales team has become significantly more complex over the past 20 years. The internet has opened up the development of many new platforms for marketers to use as communication channels. This doesn’t mean lead generation has become easier it has just changed. Ensuring you have Form Builder tools and Landing page development tools within your system can increase your chances of lead generation. In particular when these features are combined with a well developed inbound marketing campaign.

3. Boosted Organisational Efficiency

Do you sometimes forget to send that email you promised? Me too. But I have Marketing Automation so I don’t lose sleep over it. Knowing that you have a system working for you when your not working is what Marketing Automation is all about. Knowing that I don’t have to warm up my new leads myself, allows me and my sales/marketing teams to focus on more important tasks. Either creating our next inbound marketing campaign (marketing) or going to meetings with potential clients (sales). Having greater organisational efficiency has a impact on all aspects of the organisation not just the sales & marketing teams and it really shows.

4. Lead Nurturing Campaigns

Automated Lead nurturing campaigns are now widely used. So it no longer seems in-personal to have an email sent to you by a robot. Being able to turn uninformed leads into informed potential customers automatically has a significant effect. Knowing that your first emails have been developed by your best copywriter is a safety net most CEO’s, VD’s and Managers appreciate. It also creates consistency within your brand that relying on your sales team to follow-up leads could never provide.

5. Your about to be left behind….

Much like anything else these days if your not adopting to marketing automation your at grave risk of falling behind. In 2015, small & medium sized organisations were the largest adopters of marketing automation. This time next year you will be come what is called a ‘Late-Adopter’ and Late-Adopters have the slowest growth rates of any organisation/industry. Unless your willing to take the chance of being left behind (which is inadvisable) looking into a marketing automation system should be a priority and also budgeted into 2016.


These are only some of the reasons why you need to adopt to marketing automation now. Other reasons include lead monitoring, improved conversion rates, improved customer satisfaction etc. At some point not adopting to a marketing automation will begin to cost you more money than the costs of implementing a system. Make sure you know when this point is and make the decision before then.


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This post was written by Fleur

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